A good answer might be:

No. The compressed file is a binary file.


The DataInputStream class is the compliment of the DataOutputStream class. Files (and other streams) written with one are usually read with the other. Here is a list of some of the methods:


public DataInputStream(InputStream in)
    Construct a data input stream.


public void close() throws IOException

public final boolean readBoolean() throws IOException
    Reads a boolean represented as a 1-byte value. 

public final byte readByte() throws IOException

public final char readChar() throws IOException

public final double readDouble() throws IOException

public final float readFloat() throws IOException

public final int readInt() throws IOException

public final long readLong() throws IOException

public final short readShort() throws IOException

public final int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException

All these methods throw an IOException if an error occurs. Upon reaching end of file they throw an EOFException. Reaching end of file is not an error; but throwing an exception is a convenient way of signaling when this happens.


(Thought question: ) Why does readUnsignedByte() return an int and not a byte?